Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why I love being a Mom...

Lately I have been feeling VERY overwhelmed with being a single mom to my 3 amazing girls...Like I am in sooo deep over my head..But then I found this picture that Karlee drew for Kassidy and I think I'm not doing too bad...I love this picture. I hid it so I'll be able to cherish it forever... Yet, another reason why I love being a Mom...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kassidy's Story-Which I love...

The Two Princesses
By Kassidy Collins

There were once 2 princesses named Kassidy and Gabby. They were out for their Princes.Then came along an evil witch.She seemed nice at first. She gave us an apple. We ate it then passed out for 20 minutes.She put us in prison. We met a very nice prisoner. Then we were thinking of ways to get out of prison. Eventually, we did get out. So, we ran and found our princes,went to a cottage and found a good witch. She was a good witch because she gave us some cookies and asked if we wanted to buy her cottage.We said, Are you sure? and she said Absolutely! We said yes,we would love to.And, she said, I'm going to have to pay you. How much? I'll be easy on you. $100 dollars ok? Here you go and let me get some paperwork for you. You bring it back to me tomorrow and then you will be on your own. Thank you, we said. Your welcome, she said. And let me tell you, lightening will strike through here very easy. If that happens, go to the tower they will tell you what to do. You are in a forest, so it will happen,Just to give you a heads up. The two princesses lived happily ever after in their cottage...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Pictures from Summer...

Summer's End...

The girl's and I had a fantastic summer..I cannot believe how fast it has gone..Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the summer... We are looking forward to a fabulous fall and a great school year!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Back to Blogging

After taking a short sabbatical, I've decided to start work on my Blog again...Please stay tuned for frequent posts...

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hi Everyone!! Wow has it been a busy summer...The girls and I are all moved and doing great! We have settled in to our new apartment and absolutely love it..We have really great neighbors and even have a pool. Even little Karlee is doing a great job swimming..Here are some of my favorite pictures so far this summer!! We hope everyone is doing great!!