Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

We had a great Christmas,as usual. We spent Christmas Eve with Scott's mom and grandparents and had a great time. We had a wonderful dinner and played her Wii. Little did we know we would be getting one for Christmas! Everyone had a great time. Bowling was our favorite. Then the kids opened their presents and once again she spoiled everyone! I awoke early with hearing Kassidy say "He even drank all the milk". The kids then ran into our room to get us up. Well, all the kids must of been good this year because they got bunches of stuff. Kassidy was absolutely delighted with her new American Girl doll, Mia. Karlee loved her her bitty twins and stroller and Kaitlyn was in heaven with her new stereo for her room. They couldn't of been happier. Scott and I were also surprised to see that we got each other the same exact thing, an Ipod touch. We then spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying our new stuff. What a great day. I hope everyone had a wonderful day and that 2009 brings much happiness to all.

Christmas 2008

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kassidy's Ornament

Each Christmas I buy each of the girls an ornament that shows something they are interested in that year. I was particularly proud of the ornament I found for Kassidy. Kassidy loves shoes. She has probably has 20-30 pairs of sandals, flip flops,tennis shoes,heels in various colors,black dress up, brown dress up, anything you can imagine, She's has them. When she gets taken shopping by us, her dad, grandmas,grandpas or anyone she gets them to take her to the shoe section, and that's what she gets. She would prefer a pair of shoes to a toy any day. Well, I found a shoe tree ornament. The caption on the bottom of the tree says " Life's too short for sensible shoes". That's so Kassidy!

Recent Pictures I Love!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

First Basketball Game

Kaitlyn had her first basketball game today. The team lost 23-15 but Kaitlyn had a great game. Not only did she score 10 of the teams 15 points she also led the team in rebounds. It was a lot of fun to watch!

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