Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hi Everyone!! Wow has it been a busy summer...The girls and I are all moved and doing great! We have settled in to our new apartment and absolutely love it..We have really great neighbors and even have a pool. Even little Karlee is doing a great job swimming..Here are some of my favorite pictures so far this summer!! We hope everyone is doing great!!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Were having our first big snow of the year! The girls are so excited to be able to play in the snow!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Karlee's Soccer

Karlee's First Game

Karlee had her first game in her soccer career today. It was so fun and she was SO excited. It was so nice to watch and just have fun especially since Kait and Kassidy's games are so competitive and all about winning. Karlee packed her soccer bag this morning and made sure not to forget her blanket. It was such a great reminder how young she is still. It makes me so sad thinking how fast my girls are growing up. Karlee had a great game, she scored 3 goals. She can't wait till next week and neither can I!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I took Kassidy to get her hair cut over the weekend.. She had this idea to cut her hair a certain way and I was very nervous because her hair is so thin. I asked the stylist at Cool Cutz for Kidz and she thought it would look good. I got very nervous when she pulled out the clippers. I am so glad we cut it the way she wanted. It looks absolutely adorable. In fact, these pictures do not do it justice. I just love it.

Kassidy's New Haircut

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy 12th Birthday, Kaitlyn!

I cannot believe my first girl is 12 today. Seems like just yesterday I was a nervous wreck to be a mom for the first time! Kaitlyn is a wonderful daughter! She is always so kind and a great big sister. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body and would do anything for anyone! She is turning into a beautiful young lady and is so much fun! Kait is a gifted athlete who is very competitive.( hmmm who does she get that from?) She has a great sense of humor and is also a great artist! Kaitlyn, Happy Birthday! I am so proud to be your mom and I can't wait for the great memories we will make as you grow up! I love you!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday, Kassidy!

Today is my Kassidy's 9th Birthday! I cannot believe it. Seems like just yesterday I was trying to balance having a newborn with a very feisty 3 yr old. Kassidy is such a sweet, special girl. She reminds me everyday of my mom and I truly believe that she was a gift to me from her. Kassidy is a wonderful little girl. She is one who always has her "cup full" and everything in the world good. She is always kind, sweet, and willing to help. She always tries her hardest and is well liked by all her friends.She also has a great sense of humor and cracks me up on a daily basis. I can tell you this girl will grow up to be a teacher. This is what she loves to play most its very endearing to see her run a class of dolls. Kassidy, I love you more than all the shoes in the shoe store and I am so proud to be your mom. I can't wait to see the beautiful young woman your already turning into.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kassidy's Special Day

We're doing something different for Kaitlyn and Kassidy's birthday this year. We decided that since we're saving our money for Disneyland that each of the girls would get a special day to go our and do whatever they want. We had Kassidy's special day last night and had a wonderful time. We brought along Kassidy's BFF Gabby and headed out to Build a Bear to make a bear. The girls had a great time.From there went to Red Robin for dinner and then to the movie Hotel for Dogs. Kass has being dying to see it since she saw the previews a few months back and it was really cute. We had a great day and Kassidy was as happy as can be...I can't believe she will be 9 tomorrow.

Build a Bear

Monday, January 12, 2009


Miss Kaitlyn was a busy girl this past Saturday.. She had both an indoor soccer game as well as a basketball game. The girls won their soccer game 4-1, and her basketball team lost 12-11. It was an excellent, down to the wire game and the girls played great!

Indoor Soccer and Basketball