Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandpa,Grandma and the Kids


Our Weekend

We had a very busy weekend. On Friday night Kassidy's BFF, Gabby spent the night with us. They have been best friends since my friend Jennifer and I were pregnant with them. They now talk about being college roommates. :) Saturday was soccer Saturday and both the girls had soccer games. Unfortunately both of their teams lost. Kaitlyn's team is now 4-1 on the season and Kassidy's team is 1-3. Hopefully we'll have better luck next weekend. Scott and I were actually able to go out on a date on Saturday night. So we went to see "Nights of Rondanthe" and go out to dinner. The movie was excellent. I am a big Nicholas Sparks fan and have enjoyed all his books. On Sunday, we went over to my Dad and Jeanne's house for brunch. Chris,Jack and Samantha were also over. We really enjoyed seeing them. It's amazing how quickly the kids are growing. Jack has such a great sense of humor and Sam is talking so much now..I just love those kids...:)

Kaitlyn and her Clairnet

Kaitlyn decided this year that she wants to play an instrument in the school band. After thoughtfully deciding that she wanted to play the clarinet she wanted us to rush out and buy her a $400 instrument. Well, me being the sensible person that I am :) I talked her into renting one until she decided for sure that she wants to stick with it.
She is learning 3 songs and is actually liking it.

My Musician

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Broomfield Blast 3-0!

Kaitlyn's team had another win today. The girls won 6-1 over a team from Greeley to continue their winning streak. This win makes them 3 and 0 this season. Kaitlyn once again played a fabulous defensive game. Nothing or nobody gets by that girl without a fight. I'm so proud of my girls today.

Pink Panthers Win!

Kassidy's team won today 2-1. It was a really good game. The 2 teams were matched up pretty well. The girls ended the first half with Arvada up 1-0. We tied it up in the second half with Kassidy scoring and then one of the other girls scoring shortly before the game ended. The team is now 1-1 in season play. GO Panthers!

She Shoots,She Scores!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Girl!

I took this picture of Karlee on Saturday and couldn't help but notice how grown up she is looking lately! It's hard to believe that she'll be 4 in a couple of months..It makes me so sad that my girls are growing up so fast!! I wish time would slow down!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kassidy's First Game

Kassidy had her first game on Saturday and she did very well. Unfortunately her team lost but I couldn't of been prouder of my little soccer girl. This is the first game with the bigger fields and bigger goals but Kassidy made the best of it! Boy, was she tired Saturday night. The girls and I went to see " The Long Shots" at the movie theater and she about fell asleep in the middle of it..Poor Thing!