Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday,Karlee

4 years ago today I became the mother of 3 girls. Now, I can't say that it has all been perfect. There has been a lot of ups and downs. But, with adding Karlee to the group it's definitely made me feel complete. Not a day goes by that she doesn't make me laugh with her sense of humor. Or, marvel at her mature questions. I have lots of mixed emotions with her turning 4. Sadness, because my baby is growing up so fast, relief because she is so independent she can tackle more on her own. But, mostly joy because I see the beautiful,smart,independent,and loving little person she is turning into. Karlee, I love you more than all the fishes in the sea and all the stars in the sky.Happy Birthday,Baby! Sorry for the pic overload below. I just loved them all.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Tree/Sidebangs/Jenifer Visits

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. We spent the day at my dad and Jeanne's house and had fun with Chris, Jen and the kids. Plus, Dyan and her family made the trip from Missouri. Jenifer also came home from college and we had a wonderful visit with her. The girls really love her and were very excited to see her. While she was here we wanted to put up our Christmas Tree and let her open her presents. Kaitlyn talked me into letting her get "side bangs" this weekend. She's turning into a teenager quicker than I'd like. I was very hesitant to let her do this but will admit they look cute on her. We had a great couple of days and look forward to Karlee's birthday tomorrow. Can't believe she'll be 4!

Christmas Tree

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Elves!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

We Can Breathe!

Soccer season ended yesterday with a victory...Kaitlyn's team won 5-1. And guess what...Kait scored a goal...She usually plays defense therefore never getting a chance to score. But, she subbed in for a girl on offense and took it to her advantage. The team finished the season 8-1-1, and in second place so that means they will move up to the Premier level this spring. Premier is the top level in the state.. But, for now we will be relaxing..Kassidy has decided to take a break but Miss Go Getter Kaitlyn wants to play basketball. It's not nearly the time commitment as soccer so I'm fine with it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Little Artist

Karlee drew this picture of Scott on the white board today...I just love it. She used some nice detail from his hair to his glasses...How cute! My girl is getting so big.
22 days till her 4th birthday!

Karlee's Portrait of Daddy

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat!

We had a great Halloween this year. It was one of the warmest on record and there were a ton of people out. We started off the night attending a carnival at the rec center here in town. They had a ton of games and were very generous in the prize department, the girls had a great time doing the limbo, throwing bats into pumpkins, pumpkin golfing and pin the nose on the jack o lantern. Kassidy's BFF, Gabby joined us making the night extra fun! We finished the night trick or treating through the neighborhood. A great time was had by all...The girls are already talking about next year!