Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday,Karlee

4 years ago today I became the mother of 3 girls. Now, I can't say that it has all been perfect. There has been a lot of ups and downs. But, with adding Karlee to the group it's definitely made me feel complete. Not a day goes by that she doesn't make me laugh with her sense of humor. Or, marvel at her mature questions. I have lots of mixed emotions with her turning 4. Sadness, because my baby is growing up so fast, relief because she is so independent she can tackle more on her own. But, mostly joy because I see the beautiful,smart,independent,and loving little person she is turning into. Karlee, I love you more than all the fishes in the sea and all the stars in the sky.Happy Birthday,Baby! Sorry for the pic overload below. I just loved them all.

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