Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kassidy's Ornament

Each Christmas I buy each of the girls an ornament that shows something they are interested in that year. I was particularly proud of the ornament I found for Kassidy. Kassidy loves shoes. She has probably has 20-30 pairs of sandals, flip flops,tennis shoes,heels in various colors,black dress up, brown dress up, anything you can imagine, She's has them. When she gets taken shopping by us, her dad, grandmas,grandpas or anyone she gets them to take her to the shoe section, and that's what she gets. She would prefer a pair of shoes to a toy any day. Well, I found a shoe tree ornament. The caption on the bottom of the tree says " Life's too short for sensible shoes". That's so Kassidy!

1 comment:

Kara said...