Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday, Kassidy!

Today is my Kassidy's 9th Birthday! I cannot believe it. Seems like just yesterday I was trying to balance having a newborn with a very feisty 3 yr old. Kassidy is such a sweet, special girl. She reminds me everyday of my mom and I truly believe that she was a gift to me from her. Kassidy is a wonderful little girl. She is one who always has her "cup full" and everything in the world good. She is always kind, sweet, and willing to help. She always tries her hardest and is well liked by all her friends.She also has a great sense of humor and cracks me up on a daily basis. I can tell you this girl will grow up to be a teacher. This is what she loves to play most its very endearing to see her run a class of dolls. Kassidy, I love you more than all the shoes in the shoe store and I am so proud to be your mom. I can't wait to see the beautiful young woman your already turning into.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Happy Birthday Kassidy! I am sure your grandma is smiling down from heaven on you every day and I am sure she is so proud of you and of the mom that your mom has become. Love you guys!