Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy 12th Birthday, Kaitlyn!

I cannot believe my first girl is 12 today. Seems like just yesterday I was a nervous wreck to be a mom for the first time! Kaitlyn is a wonderful daughter! She is always so kind and a great big sister. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body and would do anything for anyone! She is turning into a beautiful young lady and is so much fun! Kait is a gifted athlete who is very competitive.( hmmm who does she get that from?) She has a great sense of humor and is also a great artist! Kaitlyn, Happy Birthday! I am so proud to be your mom and I can't wait for the great memories we will make as you grow up! I love you!

1 comment:

Dad and Jeanne said...

Beautiful girl!!! Happy B'day again. We love you